Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's Official, We Have A Mascot

Aunt Judy is planning on getting dog food, so, until something happens to make it otherwise, the Home Ranch officially has a dog. (She's been sporadically feeding it cat food to this point).

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, my previous blog post might be helpful  http://timbuktuconstantinople.blogspot.com/2013/12/soapbox-and-dust-mop.html.

For all those on this page, I have been informed Dust Mop is to unwieldy of a name, plus the dog doesn't know it, so we need to rename our little nuisance. Which brings us to our question, does anyone have any ideas? So far the most consistent one I've heard is Benji, which seems a bit lacking in the imagination or originality to me. It may be what sticks, I don't know, but both Aunt Judy and I thought we would consult you first, to see if you had any ideas. (Just so you know, Road Kill will not be in the final running brilliant though it may be).

What name would you give our "new dog?" Seriously, please someone suggest something, otherwise it'll remain Benji same as a million other look alike's.


  1. Haha, that was Joey's suggestion too. Also on the floor is, Roscoe, Banjo, and by someone who hadn't read this post, Road Kill.

  2. Ooh, those are good too!
    If I think of it, I'll ask my family too.

  3. Awesome. I'm sure your Dad could come up with some really interesting ones...

  4. I rest my case on your Dad's creativity.

    I think we're ready for the NEXT STEP; taking these ideas to Aunt Judy and see what she likes best.
