I have found my muse, at least for today, its name is Dust
Mop; but first, a soapbox moment.
People have this bad habit of thinking it is ok to drop
their unwanted pets off in the country. I’m not sure if it’s the idea that they
won’t bother anyone or they can fend for themselves and have a chance to live
or if it’s just that they’re cheap, whatever the reasoning it’s not ok.
Growing up we went through a lot of dogs and only one was a
drop off we kept. The rest made their way to the pound. Thankfully the recent
strays around the Home Ranch have been little dogs that you know a good kick to
the ribs will deter.
To all the people out there who have, or are considering
abandoning their mutts no matter how “friendly” and “loveable”:
1) I don’t want your dog, if I wanted a dog, I’d get a dog and
it probably wouldn’t be your dog.
2) I don’t know your dog; to me it is a strange, potentially rabid
3) I certainly do NOT appreciate being growled or barked out in
my OWN YARD! Especially at night when I can’t see the size of the mysterious
Dog's "bowl" and "cushion". Thanks cuz. |
Which brings us back to Dust Mop; Dust Mop randomly showed
up one night, and proceeded to announce its presence by barking and growling at
me as I got out of my car, in my garage and went into my house. At first I
ignored it thinking it was The Stud.
Studdly was a punting sized dog that showed up months ago
with Drowned Rat dog. The Stud had the walk of a jock and the arrogance of a self
inflated ego that was grating. Drowned Rat wasn’t so bad, hating Drowned Rat
would have been like tripping a blind toddler and taking their toy away, it was
so ugly it was pathetic.
As I said, The Stud was a different manner, it was self
proclaimed “tough guy” and decided its job was to claim the yard for its own,
especially from that threatening, afternoon book reader, on the lawn. So it would
charge barking as fast as its little legs could carry it until I’d look up.
Then it would stop and run back a few paces, until my back was turned or I
went back to your book, then it had to prove its kingship once again. To make
matters worse it would decide our lawn needed redecorating compliments of the
trash bin, and would try to steal food from the co-op.
It was the Co-op looting that caught Drowned Rat, but
Studdly, wilier, remained. On the brighter side, without having to constantly
prove itself it became less aggressive and started to roam further,
translation, I have to see it less often.
Don't let the picture fool you. |
So two nights ago, when I heard the barking and growling I
assumed it was The Stud. But about half way to the house I realized the sound
was wrong. (Yes that is how often the obnoxious pest has harassed me; I know its
stupid little bark). It wasn’t until the
next morning I saw our new ragamuffin, Dust Mop. Like The Stud before it, Dust Mop has decided to claim the yard for its own. And it’s gets
worse, thanks to my cousins husband who brought dog food for it, it now thinks
my parking space is it’s permanent home and resents the inconvenience of having
to move when I return to the Home Ranch.
Aunt Judy claims she got to "pet" Dust Mop Sunday morning on
her way out, but when she returned that afternoon it was back to barking and
growling. I can’t say the same thing, the closest I’ve come to “friendly dog”
was this morning when I went to get a picture. It got within 5 feet without
barking or growling. I was stunned.
I know Dust Mop is someone’s pet. It has a decent collar.
If you are missing your pet, or know whose pet this might be, please come get
it. My Dad’s guys have a soft spot for dogs like this and it will be feed
tidbits which means it will never leave. And I’m really tired of coming home at
night, unloading my car, to be barked and growled at by an ungrateful mutt that’s
confused enough to think I’m the intruder!
Sigh, one of these days a dog’s gonna be called Kicked in
the Ribs. A name that sums up the story so eloquently.
As to what will happen if Studdly returns, I really have no
idea. Only one can be King of the Ranch, of course that’s assuming Studdly
returns while Dust Mop is still here. But this is the country, and if you learn one thing young, it's that an outside
pet’s life is never guaranteed.