Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stop the Presses That's Me!

Suzi and I are famous! It's official, our faces are plastered on the front page of the Modesto Bee. No it isn't for America's Most Wanted. The Bee was doing a story on local producers favorite holiday recipies. And being the decedents of Sweet Potato Joe made us candidates for the list.

For some strange reason, the Bee online doesn't have our picture up. In fact they had a lot less pictures online than in the actual paper! I must confess I was a bit indignant to see this. However the Merced Sun Star has our photo online, so the proof is there. (I think it's because the front page of the Bee is a different article than the one in the Food section).

But for you Doubting Thomas' I've included a picture of the front page. Proof beyond refute. (I'm sorry if the quality is not up to your standards, it was taken with my cell phone ok).  

Here are the links:

Modesto Bee

Merced Sun Star

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Keys in Princess Jewelry Boxes Make Driving Difficult.

Today started with no water and ended with my little sister hiding my keys. I spent 30 minutes trying to find them, thinking I had completely lost my mind. I think I can officially say, it's been a long day.

Today's lesson: ask the youngest child where the keys are before you search like crazy. Chances are they hid them and forgot...

Thank goodness I asked her before she fell asleep.

That Stupid Chem Song was Right! H2O I Can't Live Without You!

Merced River 
Living out in the country in the Central Valley you get used to certain things. You know at some point during summer the power will go out. You also know when power goes out that means no water. No showers, no dishes, brushing teeth with water from water bottles. Some years the powers been out long enough we've had to go to the local McDonald's to use the bathroom! (Ok, that may have only happened once. And that might have just been something weird going on at our house; all I know is it happened).

You know it's a bad power outage when even the lights at Gallo's crushing plant are out. I've had "city" experience with the power going out too. But then it's not such a big deal because at least you have water. When I discovered this at Poly, I was ecstatic! My suite mates thought me a bit strange, but I was to excited and fascinated with the idea of running water with no power to care. At the Herm, power would go out thanks to big trees and crazy storms. I learned to have candles always ready to go. But again, there was always water.

Then there was this morning. Power's on, water's not. Don't know why. My Aunt doesn't know why. It's not like the pipes froze last night. But for some mysterious reason, there's no water. I never realized how much the lack of water completely stinks! I can't take the shower that got me out of bed, can't brush my teeth, can't make tea, can't even make hot cereal! (We're out of milk too, but that's a different problem). My dishes are just sitting in the sink and I'm using disinfectant wipes to clean butter off my hands.

Maybe things will be fixed by the time I get home. Until then I'll just slather myself in deodorant, endure the foul tasting city water from the drinking fountain, and eat a lot of mints.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

But I wanna be a super-hero!

“You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve” said Aslan. “And that is both honor enough to erect the heat of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth. Be content.”

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Well wha do ya know!

I stopped by the Hill this evening and Mom started talking about the newspaper and how I might want to print it off. I was completely mystified and asked her why I was going to have this sudden urge to print something I don't normally read.

"Because your Father's on the front page of course."

Still not sure I want to go so far as to print it, but it's not every day Dad's face is in the paper.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A year later....

Today I went with my Aunt and got her $700 box of pizza.

That's what we thought it looked like anyway and we were leaving Costco. If the box fits.....

We are now a two person house with three computers. Well, five if you count, dead Stupid Computer, and the desktop Windows 98.

I've got to admit, slow as the internet can be sometimes, I'm so glad we don't have dialup any more. We're wireless and mobile! Is this farm house high tech or what!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Prejudice: an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

Through the course of a conversation at home, I was astounded to discover my little sisters do not know what the word prejudice meant. It’s not like they aren’t well educated, or have a small vocabulary. They read quite extensively, so for none of them to know this common word shocked me. After several attempted explanations, with none of them quite grasping it, I finally turned to the dictionary and read them the definition. Even then, it had to be explained to the younger two.

At first I was disturbed at such incomprehension, but if you really stop and think about it about it, it’s kind of cool. Prejudice is far enough off their radar, the definition didn’t make sense. That’s not to say they are never prejudice about things, but other than sports and colleges, it’s apparently not something that is a blatant part of everyday life. At least not for my little sisters; I think I can live with that.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dissuaded by Echos of Gunshots

I realized after weeks of inactivity I'm loosing my keen edge from weeding. Not wanting to become a human vegetable at a desk, I figured it was time to do something. So I strapped on my shoes and headed out for a run. (Shocking I know).

Breathing, er steadily, I turned down the dirt road that marks the second half of my almost mile run determined to complete the course. After a few strides I heard the musical notes of gunshots. Looking up I noticed a brush pile burning along side the distant orchard as more shots rang out.

Seeing no one, and thinking running toward trees that's masking my unknown neighbor enjoying target practice, was a poor idea I accepted wisdom and concluded this was Heaven's way of saying "well done good and faithful servant." So I promptly turned around and headed home.

After all, who am I to buck Providence?........and then I flooded the garden.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Crown Discarded.

"Gray hair is a crown of glory."

At least that's what I've always been told. Today I discovered I had the beginnings of my crown. There, on my hairbrush, among shades of brown and black was, not a gray hair, nor a white hair, but a shining silver hair. I kid you not. (I thought about taking a picture to prove it, but I don't think it would come out well or do the hair justice). If this is any sign, I'm gonna have an AWESOME head of hair when I'm old!

Hair, once it has come out can not be put back, so without a thought I threw all the hair on the brush away. (I'm an expert at that thanks to the prolific shedding of my thick curls). It wasn't until hours later that I realized, I'd thrown away my crown! The glory showcasing my wisdom was gone, tossed without a second thought.

Then I chuckled as I realized how appropriate the timing was. But two days before, while getting my annual hair cut, the person cutting my hair thought I was in high school.

I haven't gotten that since the middle school let out for summer and let's be honest, they're JR High, it's about what you'd expect, but from an adult? And what high schooler walks into Super Cuts on their own to get a haircut?

Later at Big 5 I wanted to see a sweet little knife. Knowing what was coming, how could it not after being mistaken for high school, I got my wallet out to show my ID. The guy at the counter, after glancing at it, made some comment about how I must get asked that a lot even though I was definitely legal. (They don't sell weapon like objects to minors. That's why a couple years ago one of my brothers needed Mom to buy an pocket knife. I found it kinda funny).

I'm coming into my later 20's and people think me a minor. Yes, I know I'll appreciate it more and more as my age climbs, and truthfully, it amuses me, but for Pete's sake, I'm practically 26 and someone thinks high school!?! That's stretching things a bit.

Ah well, at least they didn't guess a class. This way I can assume it's an upperclassmen, not a freshmen or something. Although, it wouldn't surprise me if my freshman sister get's mistaken for my elder in the next year. Apparently I just have a youthful spirit. Or as my Aunt likes to say, "One can remain immature forever."

In the last week I've been mistaken for a high school student, discovered a hint of maturity and threw it away; literally.

Maybe that guess wasn't so far off after all....

Friday, July 29, 2011

The search is over, let the training begin

After almost a year of sporadic applications and interviews I have a job! Crazy! What's even more crazy is how loaded that four word sentence can be, "I have a job". Relief, curiosity, apprehension, excitement, joy, gratitude....I'm sure the list goes on; however, my highly intellectual thoughts keep coming back to the same thing, "Shoot dang son, I is employed!"

Monday I start my new job. Today? well, "Break out the food boys, it's time to celebrate!"

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

rain + heat = weeds

Welp, I guess this crazy "summer weather" is good job security. At least that's what I'm trying to tell myself.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

harelip prayers

But there in his shed, Everett said, Papa was throwing more than just adrenaline: he was throwing his frustration, his anger, his dissolved hopes, his fear, his fatigue; he was taking everything inside him and just slinging it, helter-skelter, out into the night

- Brothers K

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Per Request

The sun beat down on the ravine where she stood surrounded by rocks and dirt. She looked up, He stood above her on the rock, sweat on His face, hand outstretched, eyes twinkling mischief, "Do you trust me?"

How He got up there she had no idea. But He was and now her friend wanted to haul her up next to Him. Did she trust Him? "I'm trying to." she said, staring at the rock in front of her.

His smile didn't dimisnish with this avoidence, "But do you trust me?"

She knew what He was asking. Hesitantly she raised her hand to meet His, "Yes." she thought, "I trust You and am joining You but Your eyes and smile make me apprehensive."

Her Hand grasped His and He haulded her up, "See, I'm trusting You." Even as she said it and scrambled up next to Him she wraped her cloak of fears around her shoulders and tried to shy away.

He caught her eye and stood there grinning, like a boy about to start a wonderful adventure. Maybe it would end in constructing a brand new fort, or maybe He would find burried treasure, but one thing was for sure, there was going to be dirt, running, yelling, bruises and proabably at least a scraped knee or elbow.

She glanced away and saw open country with green hills, and trees under a very blue sky. She looked down to the droy rocky revine she'd just been standing in, then back to Him.

He stood waiting, eyes and smile begging her to join Him in His excitment. She felt the fears tighten their grip. She knew she wasn't trusting Him all the way, but He was wild, and unpredictable. His tossled hair attested that fact. And he wasn't promising she'd like the new game, let alone what it was.

"Oh," His eyes danced, "It'll be fun, but it only works if you enter into the spirit of the game."

"But you could get hurt or not like the rules." her cloak wispered alarmed. "Who knows what precious thing He might ask you to give up." Rational Thought began to whisper into her ear.

"Well?" He was eger as any boy to be off.

She stood weighing pros and cons when His look caught her. "Will you play with me? You used to be so good at pretending."

At that moment she knew the adventure would be much less worth it if she didn't completly trust Him. It would be dull, lame and annoying if fears were constently tripping her up.

In an instant her face changed, "Yes" she said laughing, her grin matching His own, "Let's have some fun." At His howl of delight the cloak fluttered onto the rock. And with a shout of glee the two friends raced off to see what sort of adventure would come their way.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Today my foot caught on a sandbag and I fell like a unsteady one-year-old trying to run. Yep, you guessed it, right in front of pretty much everyone I work with. All the ladies were right there, watching, ladies who's respect I'm kinda trying to earn. (Although being the the bosses daughter kinda gives me an  edge).

Sometimes I think they see me as a rather incompetent big kid and it's a success that I just have my shoes tied most the time. I'm pretty sure hitting my head on the awning, slipping as I try to sit, and of course today's fall doesn't help.

Although one of the ladies did play a game with me today. We put a sweet potato on a sprinkler and tried to hit it off. Let's just say I did not get the prize.

On a different note, I shall be entering my nomination for the klutz of the year award.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sittin' on a crate

I sit on a milk crate, in the heat, for 10 hours a day, surrounded by people speaking another language I don't know but almost recognize; something’s got to give. Today I determined that the hours I have with just my thoughts is going to cause one of three things to happen:
1) I go insane.
2) I become very wise and insightful.
3) I end up with boku hours of wasted time.
Three is a given, there's no way I can sort plant well and constantly be thinking in-depth. One has already occurred, so maybe, new insanity will clash with current crazy and create the next great thinker. That's my vote anyway. What's yours?

Saturday, April 23, 2011


As I cleaned my room this morning, looking for my Verizon Bill, I found all kinds of "notes" scribbled on random scraps of paper.

Old lists, goals, work notes, recipies. All manner of trash that I'd set down then lost in the mess. Most of them no longer have any importance. Some just don't make since.

Exhibit A, on one bit, in tiny messy cursive, that took me five minutes to decipher, were these lines.

I am 1 person, but not an only child.
I like to let my hair down, but I did not grow up wild.
Dare devil, risk takere can be applied to me
Simply because I am FREE

A wind blown mess may adorn my head
I love the out doors...
The jungles was my playground, the sea my back yard. 

Random ain't? I have no clue why I wrote that on the back of a used sticky. It could be someone elses thoughts for all I know. As far as I'm concerned, it's jibberish with no meaning. But I gotta admit it makes me wonder, what was going through my head?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Job fair thoughts

It's funny how job fairs work. It's almost like Costco, the free samples and information to tell you how amazing their company is and why you want to work for them. They're selling you're buying.

But once you show interest the tables change. Suddenly you're the one giving the sales pitch trying to convince them you are the employee of thier dreams. You're selling yourself. Funny, ain't, how it's not ok to sell another person, but we sell ourselves all the time and are applauded when our price is good.

But maybe it's  not quite buying and selling. Maybe the companies are fishermen, trying to get a bite. Once we chomp they reel us in, and then it's up to us to convince them why we shouldn't be tossed back.

More often than naught life seems to sweep me up in it's net. One minute I'm swimming in a resonable direction, next thing I know I'm flopping on deck, going who knows where.

Life definately takes some interesting, unexpected turns. Job fairs are an open doorway, a portal patiently waiting for you to cross the threshold. Who know's you might end up. You might end up on the seven seas, sailing with Cap'n Fishguts. You just can't tell.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

FINALLY!!!.... little sisters are going to experience Wicked.

Ah, Leila, what manner of monster have you created?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Foggy Thoughts

I’ve realized over time most people don’t like fog. It’s cold, it’s wet, it’s depressing and it’s a pain in the butt to drive in.

In the Central Valley, come fall and winter, we have lots of fog, Tule Fog, (named after tule grass at least according to Wikipedia). Some days the fog never burns off.

But I don’t think fog is all bad.

Fog is a blanket of silence. It’s a cloud laced with magic, in the fog you can be transported anywhere; any world, or country, real or imagined, you can be anyone you wish. And reality isn’t staring at you saying “WRONG!”

When I worked in the Ag department, some of my favorite days were the foggy ones, listening to the “drip” off the trees, and the lowing cattle and bleating sheep “far off” in the distance.

I don’t know why I like foggy days so much; maybe because I grew up in the country, surrounded by orchards that instantly became Narnia, or some other world.

It could be because of the summer vacations to Monterey when we’d leave100+ degrees, and suddenly find ourselves at the ocean, 50 degrees and foggy. Or it might be because foggy days are an excuse to stay in bed or curl up near the fire, with a book and a cup of co-co or tea.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the sun too, and come March I’m ready for winter to be over.

Years ago Mom found herself getting depressed by the fog, her solution; leave the Christmas lights up longer. According to her, that bit of color helped. Christmas lights do look good in the fog. And I do love me some Christmas lights.

But if I had to guess, I’d say my love of the fog started at my Monterey Initiation, when Dad held me up to hear the fog horn; a tradition that continued for, until the horn sounded no more.

In the fog there’s magic. You just gotta look for it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life on the Farm

 Some things I've done the last two weeks (not necessarily in chronological order)
   Hunted arrows after shooting them at the mountain/stockade
   Made sourdough bread
   Went to Merced College with Domi to get his books. Then Cold Stone!
   Baked cookies with a friend
   Tried to do a handstand, ended up with a kinked neck
   Drove tractor and disc in freezing cold from shed to house. Dad bundled me up in his coat and beanie.

   Made brownies with mint frosting then chocolate
 on top
   Cut hot bed plastic
   Swept up loan tree leaves and walnuts
   Picked up fallen oranges
   Ignored the cat
   Made a new order form at work
   Listened to “Captain Noah and the One and Only Zoo Cruise for Twos” several times

  Learned 1 ball of cookie dough + 5 minutes in the microwave = char and smoke