Saturday, April 16, 2011

Job fair thoughts

It's funny how job fairs work. It's almost like Costco, the free samples and information to tell you how amazing their company is and why you want to work for them. They're selling you're buying.

But once you show interest the tables change. Suddenly you're the one giving the sales pitch trying to convince them you are the employee of thier dreams. You're selling yourself. Funny, ain't, how it's not ok to sell another person, but we sell ourselves all the time and are applauded when our price is good.

But maybe it's  not quite buying and selling. Maybe the companies are fishermen, trying to get a bite. Once we chomp they reel us in, and then it's up to us to convince them why we shouldn't be tossed back.

More often than naught life seems to sweep me up in it's net. One minute I'm swimming in a resonable direction, next thing I know I'm flopping on deck, going who knows where.

Life definately takes some interesting, unexpected turns. Job fairs are an open doorway, a portal patiently waiting for you to cross the threshold. Who know's you might end up. You might end up on the seven seas, sailing with Cap'n Fishguts. You just can't tell.

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