Suzi and I are famous! It's official, our faces are plastered on the front page of the Modesto Bee. No it isn't for America's Most Wanted. The Bee was doing a story on local producers favorite holiday recipies. And being the decedents of Sweet Potato Joe made us candidates for the list.

For some strange reason, the Bee online doesn't have our picture up. In fact they had a lot less pictures online than in the actual paper! I must confess I was a bit indignant to see this. However the Merced Sun Star has our photo online, so the proof is there. (I think it's because the front page of the Bee is a different article than the one in the Food section).
But for you Doubting Thomas' I've included a picture of the front page. Proof beyond refute. (I'm sorry if the quality is not up to your standards, it was taken with my cell phone ok).
Here are the links:
Modesto Bee
Merced Sun Star
Suzi looks like Da's side of the family. Like Aunt Judy.
ReplyDeleteReally? I always thought she looked more like Mum's.
ReplyDeleteLook at the picture! Maybe it's just a combination of what she's wearing and how she's holding herself, but at first I thought it was Aunt Judy!
ReplyDeleteCan't say I see the Aunt Judy, however I do see what you're saying. Dad told Suzi the picture makes her look like my mother. Even Aunt Judy agrees it makes her look a bit matronly. I'll agree it's not the best pic of her, but since she wasn't thrilled to do it in the first place, I'm being as positive as possible.
ReplyDeleteSuzi looks older than you! Haha.
ReplyDeleteYeah, yeah. I was rereading some of my old posts last night, and in one I mention Suzi will be mistaken for being my elder this year. Guess that one came true...