Saturday, March 30, 2013

Y e a h.

K, this is going to be short and to the point.

If you post any comments or try to get a hold of me in the next 10ish days I won't know. I guess you could say I'm going to be on a sort of internet, phone fast, after Lent...y e a h.....

Before you think to highly of me, I'm probably not suffering too much. I'll explain more later.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Movie Review of Skyfall, Just A Few Months Late....

Skyfall is James Bond meets Home Alone.

Best line, "Welcome to Scotland."

Moral to take away, old stone houses and helicopters don't mix.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Lost Shall be Found

Me on a very crowded Amtrak train

I recently lost my camera. I cleaned out three cars, straightened my room, called the friend I had visited to see if I’d left it there, suffice to say, in the course of two weeks I looked everywhere. No dice, the only thing I could find was my spare battery. I didn’t start to worry until 3 days before heading down south to go to a wedding and see some friends I hadn’t seen in twoish years. Then I remembered my blog about Mueller, and decided a specific prayer was in order.  So I prayed, and a day before my train got my sister’s to pray. 

The prayer was that I would find my camera before I left. Around 9:30, night before above mentioned train I started to pack, pulled out my backpack and realize it felt a little heavy. Wondering I peered in and sure enough, there was my camera. Sitting there, waiting for me to take the trip. I swear I had looked there, but I must not have. I don’t know how I missed the weight when hanging my backpack up, but I did.  A lost camera seems like a silly thing to pray about, but maybe I needed a reminder to talk to God, maybe I need to see a specific prayer answered, I really don’t know, I’m just glad I have my camera. I was so excited I called my sister and pretended to be the butt of a blond joke.

 Which leads me to a question(s) that is in no way related to my story.  And since my known consistent fan base consists of best friends and relatives, I may not get any responses to my question(s). But that’s alright, I was surprised with the camera, maybe I’ll be astounded with this. They are question(s) for those who grew up in the Church. If you didn’t that’s ok, I’m not opposed to people weighing in with observations.

1      1)  What do you remember most about church kid programs?
                2)  What sorts of programs did you participate in?
          3) Where there specific things that helped you learn, or remember best?
          4)  Is there anything you wished for as a kid? (Or now). Oh and that’s wished for in regards to the programs, not like childhood toy wish list.
         5) What are some strengths of the programs you attended or have been involved in?
         6) What are some weaknesses?
7           7) What do you think is the point of kid church programs?
         8) What do you think is the key to creating the most awesome, amazing, fantastic program?

      Ok, so I guess it was questions after all. I don’t really expect anyone to answer all eight, but if you have thoughts on one you’re willing to share, just put the number then your insight. This is not for a class, I’m just trying to sort some stuff in la cabeza. Regardless, feel free to pass this around to any friends, family or acquaintances you think might have “views”. 

      Now to find a way make this look less boring. My picture should do the trick.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hobbits of the Bible

I had a thought Friday night, Jonathan was David's Samwise Gamgee.

You know the story, they become friends, then Saul decides to kill David because he's a threat to Jonathan taking the throne. Jonathan knows this and is oddly ok with being the support character. Even after David accuses him of knowing Saul's trying to kill him and not warning him he doesn't say, "forget you dude" and go his own way. He nearly takes a spear from the hand of his oh-so-loving-father for his pal before helping him escape.

When I mentioned this to my sister she pointed out that Sam get's the girl, Bag End, and becomes mayor at the end of the books, Jonathan dies in battle and never becomes king. Her question, "what is this the Shakespeare version?"

Ok, so Suzi has a point and it's not literally the same, and yes, one ends much more tragically  What I was trying to get to is that the depth of loyalty and self sacrifice is the same. The clincher, try 1 Samuel 23 starting around verse 14. (Although, I will say it's much more brief and not nearly as epic as Sam's speech to Frodo at the end of Two Towers).

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I got the power!

This morning I woke up to discover the power is out. Thankfully I took a shower yesterday. (A reminder for the city folk; Our water comes from a well, no power means the pump doesn't work, which means no water). I got to thinking; at least I can call out and still have my computer, thank goodness for battery power. Then silly me decided to check my emails. Of course it didn't come up because our wireless and signal boxes are powered! I often can’t help but wonder, if we were to lose electricity or heaven forbid internet, how well would most of us survive.

A couple of days ago I had an unintentional “fast” from my phone when I went to work without it. No texting, or calling, or, well I intentionally have a dumb phone so internet searches don’t happen anyway. And you know what, when I got home, I didn’t have one text or call that I had missed. Nicole Alvernaz being reachable instantaneously is not vital to world survival. After constantly being able to call someone at any time, it’s a bit of a shock and yet so freeing. Like the times I shut off my phone and become unreachable. What is it that makes most of us feel required to have our phones 24/7 and answer them? Sorry rephrase, what makes many of us, feel required to always have our phones?

Alright enough with the pondering, it’s time for breakfast. I suppose me posting this means I have power back. In the mean time if I’m not answering, try smoke signals, because fire never goes out of date.

For those curious as to the outcome, power was back on by the time we got home from Church. So we didn’t have to suffer too much.