Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Field Hand's Angel

If it sounds over dramatic or dumb
Then you've never been a kid wishing it was noon
Longing for your neighbor's pool on a 100 degree day
After hours of dust raised by five pairs of boots
A plastic bag of soda is holy nectar straight from heaven

Dreams of cannon balls so real you can hear the "kaplooosh"
Instead of droplets of water, heat waves make the plants dance
Out of the baking oven, squint, sure enough
Ice cream sandwiches hand delivered "Enjoy" - God

Lumpia and BBQ, I'm convinced that's what angles eat
Every time you made it you remembered those hungry kids
We'd plaster our faces to the window and watch the hand off
Impatiently waiting for Dad to get back in

Every Christmas a gift
A toy or two for the little one
Candy for us to split

Why did you do it?
You never got anything in return
Working, serving, you never gave up or quit

Unable to really move or speak
Grandma remained a Catholic devout
'Cause you faithfully served her communion in a Mennonite nursing home

Loud, sweaty, grubby, cranky, you saw
And I'm sure heard us at our worst
It was through a pair of Filipino hands God kept Elijah fed
And if God let's you into His kitchen
Man I can't wait for that feast

In honor of Pete & Candi Blanco

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