I was recently chatting with a friend and they asked me what I thought was the most depressing way to spend Valentines Day. I wasn't quite sure what they were getting at, so I thought for a minute then said "breaking up with someone?" That took them by surprise, made them laugh a little, then agree that would be the most depressing way to spend the day. But that wasn't quite their point.They were going for the spending it alone vote, which I completely missed.
Growing up Valentines Day wasn't a big thing. We were home schooled, and exchanging valentines day cards with your siblings somehow just isn't the same. There was never any party, but Mom would get the sweetheart candies, and Dad would get us girls chocolate. (One year our candy came with Looney Tune key chains. Mine was Tasmanian Devil, not quite sure what he was trying to say with that one.)
Ok, maybe I'll redact my previous statement; getting chocolate when my brothers got nothing made me feel special and a tad smug, but beyond that it wasn't a big deal. My parents never went out or anything, then again they rarely get to go to dinner for their anniversary.
The conversation progressed and my friend made a comment saying anyone in a relationship should go out, I kinda went "I guess that makes sense." But does it?

What I mean is, it's a great excuse to spend time with whomever you're in a relationship with. It's a great excuse to lavish gifts on them to show your affection, but the day itself, a day celebrated by dozens of others, shouldn't be the defining day of a relationship. Believe it or not, they need multiple days and moments to flourish, grow, be healthy, [
whatever word you want insert here]. Don't get so caught up in one day you miss the other 300+, whether you're married, dating or single.
Ok, I'm gonna get off this convoluted thought train. Don't worry, next post, whenever it happens, will be back to the normal realm of topics, whatever those might be. In the mean time, I'm going to look forward to the after Valentines Day sales and the copious amounts of chocolate I can already taste.
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