Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Prayer of Fortitude

"'If I must die, let me not be afraid of death, but let there be a meaning, O God, in my dying.'" - a prayer of Gladys Aylward taught to her by Mrs. Lawson.


The quote is found on page 170 in the biography Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime by Janet and Geoff Benge


  1. I like it, but I also want to see words for if one does not die...

    If I must live, let me not be weary of life, but let there be meaning, O God, in my living.

  2. Fair enough, this specific prayer was from situations with a high death potential.

    Did you make that up, or did you rip it off from somewhere?

    1. I ripped it off of the original prayer you shared, with a few minor changes. Besides the change to living, the main creative choice was to use weary.

  3. I'll accept that. Props Leila, not to shabby.
