Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Last Shall be First?

Welp, no one's gonna try calling me Speedy or Flash any time soon. (Not that that was ever a remote possibility). Today my 16 year-old sister whupped me running. I am proud of her, yet semi mortified.

Really can't say I'm surprised. I've detest running. As a kid I didn't mind so much, but I was terrible at it. I think I was the only kid in baseball who's parents yelled from the stands "Toes Nicole, toes" as I plodded toward first. Pitchers never had to worry about me stealing when I was on base because, a) I was never on base, and b) the coach would have been mad to have me steal.

Still being reminded my lack of athletic ability is a bit bitter. Maybe this will inspire me to greatness. Get me up an out, able to climb mountains in an afternoon and leap giant gulches that make other gulp. Ah who am I kidding, when it comes down to improving/developing my running or athletic ablilites, my sloth record has consitantly proven, I don't really care.


  1. Dude, awesome picture. Who took it and when??

    Also, go S! And go you for even running! That's great. More than I can say I did today :-)

  2. Em took the picture awhile back. I think, we were throwing at a target we'd set up in her back yard.

    I must confess, my calf muscles (and shoulder?!?) are not thanking me today.
