Sunday, November 14, 2010

And God said "BINGO!"

It seems to me that sometimes God is sitting up in heaven waiting for us to say the right thing.

Last night I was trying to center my thoughts for today and I mentioned to God that I had been given some small talent for public speaking. Maybe not a lot, but a little and I was going to try to use that.

Bingo! (Yes I think God uses the word bingo sometimes. At the very least He uses the emotion behind it). Then came a reminder of the parable of the servants entrusted with their masters money. The two that exercised what they'd been given saw it multiply and grow. But the third servant was scared and buried his talent. It just sat there, in the dirt doing nothing. Even if he had put it in the bank and let it sit, at least it would have gained something.

How many of my own skills and gifts do I refuse to use because I am afraid. Afraid of failing, losing or looking like a fool. Even if it takes all my faith to let certain gifts sit in a locked, glass case, where others can glimpse them once in awhile, that's better than locking them in a deep dungeon of my heart where there is no sun or fresh air.

God's just wants me to be willing. He's like a patient teacher, as long as I try, He can work with me.

"'Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has 10 talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and mashing of teeth.'" Matt 25:28-30

From that perspective, maybe trying and failing isn't such a bad thing....

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