Monday, August 20, 2012

1 800 PRAYER?

On Saturday a co-worker received a recorded message from an 800 number saying that "they" thought God wanted them to pray for my co-worker, so to be on the prayer chain hit 0. (Or some number).


I wanted to call back and say really? God has an 800 number now?  So the whole talk to Him whenever, wherever thing is out? Now I need cell reception or I'm screwed?

And isn't an 800 number a little I don't know, boring when it comes to God. I mean come on, this is the God that once spoke through an burning inanimate object (bush), and another time used a donkey to get His point across  This is the Guy that backs a kid with rocks over a heavily armored giant. He created the kangaroo for Pete's sake, you'd think He could be a little more original than a recorded message.

I thought He was a bit more personal than that anyway. Doesn't the Bible say He knows the number of hairs on your head? Maybe He's decided to streamline?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not mocking people who actually care about others and pray for them. Prayer warriors are awesome and the church needs more of them. (Especially for people like me). If you think someone need's prayer DO IT! What are you waiting for praise, applause? If you want to let someone know you care, great, just try to do it personally. Like Jesus would. A recorded message from an 800 number is just creepy.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to say all these things. (Which is why you get my snarkiness now). When we tried to call back the call could not be completed; the number was unreachable. Thank God that's not really the way things work.

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