Monday, October 29, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Musings "Jesus, Home for the Holiday's?"
For the first time in almost a year I've had to take a sick day. It's kinda nice, because it's giving me more time to rest, but it's also frustrating, because I'm tired and don't feel good, so I"m not doing anything. Sigh, moving on.
As part of my "quiet time" I've been reading a book I was loaned called "The Emotionally Healthy Church" by Someone or Other. In it the author lists Jesus' emotions recorded in the New Testament As I was reading this one phrase caught my attention. "He was furious at the crass commercialism in the temple (John 2:13-17)" p. 79.
The phrasing is awesome, "crass commercialism".
But it got me thinking, if Jesus was ticked enough to drive people out of the temple because of their "crass commercialism" what would He do with our Holiday's today? Specifically Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas.
I realize there is a difference. Most Churches don't sell Easter candy, or Christmas decorations, on the front steps saying "you need this to worship properly". But what about Easter egg hunts and bunny suites? Would He laugh and be like "Dude, you're in a pink rabbit costume, that's ridiculous " Would He help little kids find the eggs? Would He like the balloons or Broadway acts of the Macy 's parade best? Would He watch football? Would He dress up like Santa and hear the wishes of children?
Or would He be disgusted by the commercialism and sweep things off store shelves, shattering ornaments and lights? Would He weep because we're lost in busyness and we just don't get it? Would He publicly chastise us and call us to repent?
Truthfully, I don't know. I kinda think He'd do all of those and more. Laugh and participate with joy, correct and admonish where needed, weep where there's pain and darkness. But mostly I think He would want to hang out. Spend the day with the family, meet us where we're at. Maybe help serve the food and wash dishes. Maybe get a game of two-hand touch going in the afternoon.
On Sunday's the sign at Hilmar Lumber switches from the normal advertising, to messages from God, if you will. One that's been up there for years is something like, "Loved the wedding, invite me to the marriage. -God".
Thing is, inviting Him can be risky. As Mr. Beaver says, "It's not like He's a tame lion." What if He does decide to "drive out the money changers"? Would we be able to show our face in public again?
This unpredictable wildness can make it hard to interact with Him. Making Him that relative no one really wants around, but is extended the invitation out of obligation. But that's not what He wants. He's not a prize to be stuffed and hung above the mantle.
What do I think He would do about our Holiday's if He were here? I think He'd show up green-bean-casserole in hand saying, "Hey, You invited me. I'm here. I showed up, so don't ignore me. Let's hang out, eat some food, catch up on life and go from there."
And if we do that, the rest will fall into place.

The phrasing is awesome, "crass commercialism".
But it got me thinking, if Jesus was ticked enough to drive people out of the temple because of their "crass commercialism" what would He do with our Holiday's today? Specifically Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas.
I realize there is a difference. Most Churches don't sell Easter candy, or Christmas decorations, on the front steps saying "you need this to worship properly". But what about Easter egg hunts and bunny suites? Would He laugh and be like "Dude, you're in a pink rabbit costume, that's ridiculous " Would He help little kids find the eggs? Would He like the balloons or Broadway acts of the Macy 's parade best? Would He watch football? Would He dress up like Santa and hear the wishes of children?
Or would He be disgusted by the commercialism and sweep things off store shelves, shattering ornaments and lights? Would He weep because we're lost in busyness and we just don't get it? Would He publicly chastise us and call us to repent?
Truthfully, I don't know. I kinda think He'd do all of those and more. Laugh and participate with joy, correct and admonish where needed, weep where there's pain and darkness. But mostly I think He would want to hang out. Spend the day with the family, meet us where we're at. Maybe help serve the food and wash dishes. Maybe get a game of two-hand touch going in the afternoon.
On Sunday's the sign at Hilmar Lumber switches from the normal advertising, to messages from God, if you will. One that's been up there for years is something like, "Loved the wedding, invite me to the marriage. -God".
Thing is, inviting Him can be risky. As Mr. Beaver says, "It's not like He's a tame lion." What if He does decide to "drive out the money changers"? Would we be able to show our face in public again?
This unpredictable wildness can make it hard to interact with Him. Making Him that relative no one really wants around, but is extended the invitation out of obligation. But that's not what He wants. He's not a prize to be stuffed and hung above the mantle.
What do I think He would do about our Holiday's if He were here? I think He'd show up green-bean-casserole in hand saying, "Hey, You invited me. I'm here. I showed up, so don't ignore me. Let's hang out, eat some food, catch up on life and go from there."
And if we do that, the rest will fall into place.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Whatever Happened to Thanksgiving?
Putting Christmas stuff out at work. SERIOUSLY IT'S MID OCTOBER!!!!!!!! The sad part is, we're not even one of the early one's. Some places have had it out for months now almost skipping Halloween. And forget Thanksgiving, you know that holiday where we celebrate, parades, football, and gluttony. (Don't get me wrong, I love and fully participate in all three).
Are we so impatient and consumer driven we can't wait until Thanksgiving to get ready for Christmas? I understand enjoying the holiday's but come on. Staring so soon robs them of what makes them so special; a set amount of time of anticipation and stress. There is something sacred about that month between the Fourth Thursday in November and December 25. Stop trying to rob me of that joy. Starting the season sooner cheapens it.
I refuse to have my holiday's soiled and here by officially protest and boycott Christmas in October. Or even early November. If you see me caving and considering purchasing Christmas decor or hear me humming carols before Thanksgiving, please just knock me out cold turkey.
My plan, to enjoy life as it's here, specifically one holiday at a time. So who's with me in protesting the retailer distortion and destruction of the holidays?
No, I don't actually expect a response to that call to arms. That would be weird. But let your back burner simmer it for a bit. I think you'll find I'm right.
Are we so impatient and consumer driven we can't wait until Thanksgiving to get ready for Christmas? I understand enjoying the holiday's but come on. Staring so soon robs them of what makes them so special; a set amount of time of anticipation and stress. There is something sacred about that month between the Fourth Thursday in November and December 25. Stop trying to rob me of that joy. Starting the season sooner cheapens it.
My plan, to enjoy life as it's here, specifically one holiday at a time. So who's with me in protesting the retailer distortion and destruction of the holidays?
No, I don't actually expect a response to that call to arms. That would be weird. But let your back burner simmer it for a bit. I think you'll find I'm right.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
To Everything....There is a Season
Photo Thanks to Leila Jewell |
Who is this infallible source of hope for sweat drenched humanity. Mom. "Is her tailbone hurting?" I hear you ask. Nope. (I know because I asked her the same question). Her knowledge comes from a source more reliant. "What?" I hear you ask, "There's something more accurate than that?" Yup. Childhood memory.
Apparently, when she was a little girl she always wanted a swim party for her birthday. (My grandparent's had a fantastic pool in Fresno. I think Mom lived in it during Fresno summers as a child). It could be hot right up to her birthday, but on the actual day it was always too cold to go swimming.
I will confess I have been disheartened about the weather myself. I enjoy having seasons, it's harvest time for pete's sake, that means it should be fall, not unending Indian Summer. But the other day at Hilmar Lumber I heard one of our regulars commenting on how in the '50's he'd always be swimming in the canal in October because it was so hot. Truth or not, I couldn't say. But if he was unfazed by the weather, why should I, who has only seen 27 summers fret?
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