Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Well wha do ya know!

I stopped by the Hill this evening and Mom started talking about the newspaper and how I might want to print it off. I was completely mystified and asked her why I was going to have this sudden urge to print something I don't normally read.

"Because your Father's on the front page of course."

Still not sure I want to go so far as to print it, but it's not every day Dad's face is in the paper.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A year later....

Today I went with my Aunt and got her $700 box of pizza.

That's what we thought it looked like anyway and we were leaving Costco. If the box fits.....

We are now a two person house with three computers. Well, five if you count, dead Stupid Computer, and the desktop Windows 98.

I've got to admit, slow as the internet can be sometimes, I'm so glad we don't have dialup any more. We're wireless and mobile! Is this farm house high tech or what!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Prejudice: an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

Through the course of a conversation at home, I was astounded to discover my little sisters do not know what the word prejudice meant. It’s not like they aren’t well educated, or have a small vocabulary. They read quite extensively, so for none of them to know this common word shocked me. After several attempted explanations, with none of them quite grasping it, I finally turned to the dictionary and read them the definition. Even then, it had to be explained to the younger two.

At first I was disturbed at such incomprehension, but if you really stop and think about it about it, it’s kind of cool. Prejudice is far enough off their radar, the definition didn’t make sense. That’s not to say they are never prejudice about things, but other than sports and colleges, it’s apparently not something that is a blatant part of everyday life. At least not for my little sisters; I think I can live with that.